Peninsula Painting

Reliable, Local Exterior House Painters At Your Service

 Hamilton Residential House Painters

When you need residential house painters, turn to Peninsula Painting. We’re not a chain. We’re a local painting company and that means no high-pressure sales tactics – ever! Instead, we come out to your house to discuss the job, and then provide an accurate painting quote, usually the same day.

So, your house looks a bit weathered and you want to put a fresh coat of paint or stain on the exterior? Sounds great, but are you fully-equipped for the job? Do you have a ladder tall enough to get to the very top or are you prepared to spend the additional cost of renting scaffolding?

Our professional house painters not only have the knowledge and experience, but they also have the proper tools to do the job right. If the exterior paint on your home is faded and drab, or you have flaking areas that look shabby, we can transform your house into the beauty it once was and increase its curb appeal!

When it comes to exterior painting in Hamilton or the surrounding area, our house painting professionals are certified to uphold the industry's best painting standards. We use premium painting products to assure our clients receive the most magnificent and durable finish. Call us today for your free exterior painting quote in Hamilton!

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